Posted in Recipes

Vegan gluten-free chocolate hazelnut milk!

Home-made chocolate hazelnut milk!A stylish food gift !
Home-made chocolate hazelnut milk!
A stylish food gift !
Tasty & easy home-made chocolate hazelnut milk!
Tasty & easy home-made chocolate hazelnut milk!

I made this tasty home-made chocolate hazelnut milk with soaked hazelnuts. This chocolate version has a deeper, rich & tasty chocolate flavour but isn’t too sweet. I didn’t use medjool dates because I am not very fond of them. I used maple syrup, grade C to sweeten & also used coconut sugar sweetened raw cacao nibs. Yummmmm! πŸ™‚

Why do you need to soak your raw nuts for 8 to 24 hours?

The nuts become less raw & they are easily digested in the stomach. When these nuts are soaked, then well-drained & rinsed,Β they become more useful to use in raw vegan cheesecakes, in baked desserts, in muffins or in bread.Β Or you can make your own vegan cheese or spread.

You can make nut milk from every nut or a mix of nuts that you like & love. You even can make milk out of seeds like sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc. I am experimenting with them now. More recipes to come! Most recipes on the internet say that you use 1 cup of raw nuts & 3 to 4 cups pure water. In this recipe, I will use Β 3 cups of water. Why? because I like it this way & the nut milk is a bit thicker too.
You can make your own nut milk & add whatever ingredients you want, vanilla, sweeten it with dates, agave or maple syrup, add extra yummy things like chocolate, cacao nibs, coconut sugar sweetened cacao nibs, carob, cacao or add in spices: it is up to you!Β I will not strain my pulp because it is more healthy to drink up your pulp & my Vitamix mixes it all in really well.Β If you have a normal blender, it is better to strain your nut milk.Β See this post before on how you should do that!
Recipe: For 1250 ml = 5 cups


1 cup raw, unsalted hazelnuts, covered in 2 cups clean water, soaked in water for at least 8 to 24 hours, kept in the fridge, nuts well rinsed & drained/ I always soak them overnight in the fridge.

3 cups clean water

1 cup of coconut sugar sweetened cacao nibs

2/4 cup maple syrup, grade C + 1 tablespoon


Since I got myΒ Vitamix TNC 5200,Β I have made my all of my nut milks in this fabulous machine. Because I use my Vitamix, I don’t have to strain my hazelnut pulp. It is all well & finely mixed into the liquid. It has more flavour, is thicker, has more power & is much healthier that way!! If you don’t have a power blender like I do, then you will have to strain your milk by using a nut milk bag. How to use it & step by step guide, you will find, on one of my previous post:Β Here!

1. Place your soaked, rinsed & well-drained hazelnuts in your Vitamix blender & add 3 cups of clean water. Add coconut sugar sweetened cacao nibs & 2/4 cup of maple syrup too. Place your fitting lid on with the tamper in it. Now, turn your machine gradually on from speed 1 to 10 & then, turn on high power. Mix your nut milk for 1 minute or 2 or until completely mixed. Do this, by pushing the tamper up & down to make the ingredients go into the running blades. Now, taste. It has to have a more deeper, rich chocolate flavour & it has to be sweet but not too sweet. I added that 1 tablespoon of maple syrup, like mentioned on the list. Mix again.

2. Now, pour the tasty home-made vegan chocolate hazelnut milk in a clean bottle & turn the lid on. Label it. Keep in the fridge for most 4 to 5 days. Everytime, you want to drink it, you must shake your bottle up & down because otherwise the heavily parts will sink to the bottom. You need a smooth drink all the way! YouΒ will be left with 1/2 glass of chocolate hazelnut milk. You can drink it straight away!

You can decorate this lovely bottle with a nice lint & give it away as a lovely home-made food gift. πŸ™‚ MMM,…too! πŸ™‚ Enjoy! The uses are endless! More recipes on how to use it, later on!!!

Pouring the home-made vegan chocolate hazelnut milk in the clean bottle!
Pouring the home-made vegan chocolate hazelnut milk in the clean bottle!

Stay tuned,Β Subscribe by email throughΒ the link belowΒ to getΒ my new cool newsletters aka posts!Β Join 1,850 email Subscribers! It is free!Β


Hello! My name is Sophie & I love to cook & bake mostly healthily but with a twist! There is a bit of gardening & travelling in here too! Enjoy! :)

71 thoughts on “Vegan gluten-free chocolate hazelnut milk!

    1. Yes! I have been doing it now for five times already & love inventing new milks & new
      milk combinations for smoothies & desserts!

  1. How delicious. I love hazelnuts. They give great flavour. I always start my day with an almond milk smoothie but I think now I need to try other nuts xx

  2. Yum! I have never made hazelnut milk (only almond). You have inspired me!
    I also look forward to the additional recipes that you have hinted at!

  3. ooh! this sounds so yummy, i will definitely have to try this. thanks for the idea πŸ™‚

    1. It si a must! The milk will thicken when it is being chilled i the fridge! Shake your bottle well before using it!

  4. This is bizarre, but I love it. Thinking I need a vitamix! You always present things so nicely. Love how you “wrapped” the final milk bottle:-)

    1. It isn’t bizarre it is nut milk making! πŸ˜‰ Thanks! i love those wrappers too! πŸ™‚ Glad you noticed, hey!

  5. This looks so yummy, and you’re right- what a great gift!! I have been making my own raw almond milk sweetened with dates and flavoured with vanilla beans lately. Even my boyfriend LOVES it!! This chocolate hazelnut milk looks even better though. What a treat!!!!

    1. It is very tasty & thicker too. after it has been i the fridge to chill for few hours, it will get thicker! So, shake your bottle up & down a lot to get that not too thick consistency & if it is too thick, add 1 cup of water & mix well!

  6. Never heard of chocolate hazelnut milk before Sophie! It sounds so delicious…it’s like a milk version of Nutella!! I bet it’s really sweet and chocolatey!! Yum!

    1. No, it is Not too sweet. It is just right with a deeper chocolately flavour & you can really taste the hazelnuts too! πŸ™‚

    1. Yes, it is thicker too, If you don’t like it to be that thick, thin it out with an extra cup of clear water! πŸ™‚ Enjoy!

  7. I have never taste this made from real hazelnut. It is always from syrup which I have no idea what else was in there. I can drink this everyday because it is good and safe. Thank you for sharing this very unique recipe. Gorgeous color too!

  8. Oh it’s like you read my mind, Sophie! I was just thinking about making a Vegan Nutella Smoothie-type thing and then saw your gorgeous version! YUMMO!

  9. You don’t have to live next door to Sophie to realise her fascination and thrill with cooking, you can detect it from a million miles; it irradiates knowledge, enjoyment and finesse.

    1. Waw! A big thanks to you, my dear friend! πŸ™‚ What a compliment! Now, I am blushing too! πŸ™‚ xxx

      1. hahaha…now then, no blushing here please unless we’re touching the hot oven…the admirable thing is that you put so much detail and research in your site… I couldn’t do it ,I guess I’m toooo superficial

  10. I make almond milk every week, but hazelnuts usually go straight into granola, I think I’ll save some next time for a chocolaty treat!

  11. Chocolat and hazelnuts! Nutella in a bottle. We are all going to love this one. thanks Sophie– you are so inventive!

    1. It is so good, so tasty & thick & creamy with a deep chocolate flavour but not too sweet! πŸ™‚
      Imagine that!

  12. I love the idea of making a hazelnut milk with cacao! Yummy! I can taste it now πŸ™‚ Thank you for the recipe. I know that this will be a hit in our family.

  13. Wow! Making your own nut milk. Tja, guess I need to make the hard choice whether it is better to get a vitamix or a nut milk bag πŸ˜‰ Ah, decision made: the vitamix I can use for other things (or is that thinking somehow flawed ;-> )

    1. No, it is a powerful super blender! It is a must for crushed ice, smoothies, pancake batters, dips, etc!

    1. It doesn’t really! I don’ like nutella! I made this a bit more healthier & tastier then nutella! It is darker, deeper chocolately flavour & you can really taste the hazelnuts too & it is a thicker homemade chocolately hazelnut milk, my way!

  14. I need this in my life!! Love that it’s healthier and tastier than nutella milkshake!

  15. Yummo! Now I know what I will be making in 10 years time when my hazelnut grove starts producing nuts πŸ˜‰ Future deliciousness! Now all I need to do is grow cacao and I am right! πŸ˜‰

  16. Sophie, all of you stuff is so interesting, and mouth watering. I can’t stand it!

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