Posted in Recipes

Refreshing vanilla strawberry buttermilk smoothies!

Do you want one?
Do you want one?

This afternoon, I made these refreshing delicious vanilla strawberry buttermilk smoothies because I had buttermilk & strawberries to use up in my fridge!

I made them for my cleaning lady & myself. They were just right! Easy to make, so refreshing & ooh so delicious too!  We both agreed on that! 🙂

Yum Yum Yum!
Yum Yum Yum!

Recipe: For 2 larger smoothies = 1000 ml = 4 cups


500 ml unsweetened cold buttermilk, straight from the fridge

12 fat large juicy strawberries, cold, straight from the fridge, cleaned, hulled & each cut up into 2

2 teaspoons gluten-free vanilla extract/ I use home-made

1 tablespoon coconut sugar


1. Take your Vitamix & add all ingredients in this order in it. Place fitted lid with tamper in it. Blend on full power & on high-speed until fully joined. Use the tamper, to push ingredients into the running blades. It took me 15 seconds. You must taste the buttermilk, the strawberries & a hint of vanilla. I only used 1 tablespoon of coconut sugar because you need that tang of the buttermilk in here! 😉 Pour into 2 larger smoothy glasses & enjoy with a thick straw! Yum yum, I say! 🙂 xxx Stay tuned, Subscribe through the link below to get my new cool newsletters aka posts! Join 1,800 email Subscribers! It is free!

The ingredients before blending!
The ingredients before blending!




Hello! My name is Sophie & I love to cook & bake mostly healthily but with a twist! There is a bit of gardening & travelling in here too! Enjoy! :)

52 thoughts on “Refreshing vanilla strawberry buttermilk smoothies!

  1. I never would’ve thought of using buttermilk in a smoothie! I happen to have some in my fridge also… now I know what to do with it! Yum (lucky cleaning lady!) xx

  2. We made your delicious smoothy just now & we both loved it! It was divine!!!!!! 🙂
    Thanks again, dear Sophie!

  3. Your smoothies are looking fabulous! Tasty! Tasty! Tasty! 🙂

  4. the buttermilk is brilliant, Sophie. Can see how the tart and sweet would play off each other so well.

  5. I’ve never had a buttermilk smoothie! I love the look of your smoothie – before and after. You sure do make a lot of smoothies. Is it because you have a vitamix? I must go and buy myself one! xx

  6. I have never ever tried buttermilk in a smoothie. I don’t eat much dairy, but I can imagine the buttermilk flavour is just so good with strawberries. great idea!

    1. I don’t eat much diary myself but this was just right! Tangy, a bit sweet & yummy pink with the strawberries & a hint of vanilla! 🙂

    1. thanks, my friend!
      Here is the explination of this yummy healthy coconut blossom sugar!
      Coconut blossom sugar is an alternative sweetener. It is beet sugar-free. It is also called Gula Java Brut.

      This is 100% unsweetened coconut blossom sugar. It is slighty brown in colour. It has a lower glycemic index than agave. It’s GI index is 35. Agave is 40. It also has a lot of minerals and vitamins.

      Gula Java is coconut blossom sugar from Java.

      Harvested by tapers high in the coconut trees, the sweet nectar from the coconut blossom is a cherished resource. Above the log fire, the nectar slowly changes into a delicious, unrefined rich sugar as it is gently stirred in the pan, allowing you to enjoy its sweetness and soft caramel flavour at any time of the day.

      But it isn’t as sweet as normal sugar. It is great in cobbler’s, in crumbles, in cakes, in desserts, etc. You can also use it in savoury dishes.

      In my latest recipes from the past 3 years, I nearly always use coconut sugar!
      A good recipe to start with, is this:

      1. Sophie, this cake looks amazing. I am going to search for the coconut sugar here. I’m thinking it is probably sold in health food shops. I shared your blog on Facebook too, for my daughter and her best friend who are really into healthy eating.

  7. Love the smoothie! I like your explanation about coconut sugar. Now I think that I have come across it. There is a slightly different kind called palm sugar that I have tasted.

    1. Palm sugar is not the same. I prefer the more caramel flavour of coconut sugar, but it is very expensive though!

      500 gr=12 €!!

  8. I made your delicious buttermilk smoothies this afternoon & my girlfriend & I both loved it!
    It was soooo refreshing!!!! 🙂

    1. yeah! Happy that you & your girlfriend loved it so much! 🙂 Thanks for the feedback, made my day! x

  9. Your strawberry buttermilk smoothies look just stunning & so appetizing too, dear Sophie!
    Waw even! yum yum yummm! 🙂

  10. A great sip for summer! I always seem to have leftover buttermilk from baking. I normally use it up in pancakes. But smoothies, it will be!

  11. I never had coconut sugar and I heard about it yesterday when a friend said she uses it in her coffee. But again I love all these ingredients! 🙂

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