Posted in Recipes

Home-made cinnamon cashew milk! Raw, Vegan & Gluten-free! Only 4 ingredients! :)

It looks like a vegan café latte, hey?
It looks like a vegan café latte, hey?

Because it was raining this morning, I needed something comforting & tasty with cinnamon in it. So, I made this tasty date sweetened cinnamon cashew milk! Ooh yes! 🙂 The milk is Vegan, Raw & Gluten-free too! 😉 MMMMMMM! 

Look at those nice spots of cinnamon!
Look at those nice spots of cinnamon!

Recipe: For about 1150 ml = 4.5 cups of date sweetened cinnamon cashew milk!


1 cup raw soaked, rinsed & well-drained cashews / How to soak your cashews nuts?  Put them into a larger bowl & add water until they are all submerged. Place a fitted lid on & place into the  fridge for at least 8 hours. The next day, I rinsed & drained them well with clean water. Throw away the drained water. Your nuts are now swollen & softer to digest for your body & more creamier too!

3 cups fresh clean water

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

6 pitted normal dates or less or none if you want a non-sweetened cinnamon milk! 😉


1. Take your Vitamix & add  all ingredients in this order into your Vitamix. Put tamper & fitted lid on. Blend on high-power until fully joined by using the tamper to push ingredients into the running blades. Taste! It must be a bit creamy & you must taste the cinnamon here! 😉 I do not filter/ strain my cashew milk because everything is fully mixed in my beloved Vitamix & it is healthier that way! Pour into a clean bottle with fitted lid & place into the fridge or enjoy straight away, like I did! 🙂 Yum Yum Yum! This would be lovely enjoyed in a good vegan café latte! Yum! I did that straight away & you can really taste the cinnamon & creamy cashew milk in your latte! 🙂 xxx

2. After being in the fridge for a while, the milk & nuts will separate. So, shake your bottle up & down until the cinnamon & cashew milk again become one! 😉 xxx Enjoy!

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Hello! My name is Sophie & I love to cook & bake mostly healthily but with a twist! There is a bit of gardening & travelling in here too! Enjoy! :)

49 thoughts on “Home-made cinnamon cashew milk! Raw, Vegan & Gluten-free! Only 4 ingredients! :)

  1. Hmmm… I was one of those noobs that did the cinnamon challenge a few years back and have not been able to eat it since. Ooops! #imanidiot But I do love the sound of this shake, especially the cashew milk. Such a great alternative to milk.

  2. Cashew milk with dates and cinnamon sounds intersting

  3. ik moet dat toch ook eens proberen te maken. ik ben dol op noten en dadels, dus dit kan alleen maar lekker zijn!

    1. Ja & ik denk dat het met een gewone goede blender wel zal lukken, zekercalsde cashewnoten geweekt zijn anders moet je de melk strainen

  4. When I was on a juice fast, the company would deliver a drink very similar to this. It had the exact same ingredients except it was made with almonds. I was to drink it before bed as it was meant to make you feel relaxed. I will try this using cashews xx

  5. We made it just this morning & both loved it so much! We drank it warm & in our vegan café latte, like you suggested,…divine!!! xxx

  6. Yum yum yumm,…Sophie! It is so delicious, not too sweet either! 🙂

    Just perfect! x

  7. Great tasty appetizing looking drink, Sophie & so healthy too!

  8. This looks like the perfect rainy morning treat. I add cinnamon to my breakfast every morning…I just love it. Whether it’s in my coffee, my almond milk, or my oatmeal, I’m a big fan of cinnamon!

  9. I never knew that you could warm nutmilk too, or never thought about it, great idea, especially in our (now chilly) summer weather 😉

    xo Linda

    1. Ooh yes, Linda! I thought, why not? It is so yummy drinken hot or in my vegan café latte! Yummmm! 🙂

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