Posted in Recipes

Sophie’s hand made Kefir white organic bread

A big, tasty kefir organic white bread!
A yummy interior!
Recently, I started to make my own bread. This is the first bread I made. It is a lovely white bread with a chewy crust. It smells of kefir. It has organic white flour, 450 ml of kefir, 1 heaped teaspoon of grinded sea salt & dried yeast.
You know that kefir is good for you. So why not use it in the bread?
Recipe: For 1 large bread
750 gr of organic white flour
450 ml of kefir with only 1,5 % fat
7 gr of dried yeast
1 heaped teaspoon of Maldon sea salt
grinned in your pestle & mortar
1. Take a large bowl & sieve the flour. Add the dried yeast & mix well into the flour.
2. Now, add the grinned salt & mix it well through the flour & yeast mix.
3. Make a well in the middle of the flour mix & pour the kefir, all of it into it.
4. With your hands, bring the kefir gradually into the flour mix. Mix well & knead until you have a softer dough. If the mix is too wet, add one tablespoon of flour at the time. If the mix is too dry, add 1 tablespoon of water, at the time.
5. Form a long shape. Place it into the large bowl & hang a warmed wrenched kitchen towel over the top. Place in a warm place, away from draught, for about 1 + 1/2 hours until the dough is doubled in size. This will be your 1st rise.
6. After that, flour your hands with the flour & take the dough out of the bowl & place on a Silpat, that you have floured. Push the dough back with your hands & quickly knead it. Make a larger shape of it. Place it onto a silpat bread sheet & flour the top a bit. Place the warmed towel on it. Place it again in a warmed place for the second rise. Let it rise for about 45 minutes till 1 hour until doubled in size.
7. When the 2de rise is nearly over, preheat the oven to 220°C ( 428 F ) if you use a normal oven. I bake with a fan oven so I put the temperature on 195°C. ( 383 F ) for 10 minutes.
8. After the 2nd rise, with a large knife, make large incisions crosswise into your bread. Do not slice all the way through your bread!
9. Place the Silpat baking sheet on an oven rack into the bottom of your oven & bake for about 35 to 40 minutes until your bread has been cooked through & brown on the outside. If you don’t have that, place onto a baking sheet on the wire rack.
10. Take your bread out of the oven with oven gloves & place on a wire rack to cool down completely. The bottom of your bread must sound hollow when tapped with your fingers.
** After the 1st rise:
** After the 2nd rise:
** Just before the bread goes into the preheated oven:

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Hello! My name is Sophie & I love to cook & bake mostly healthily but with a twist! There is a bit of gardening & travelling in here too! Enjoy! :)

72 thoughts on “Sophie’s hand made Kefir white organic bread

  1. I love fresh bread- but don't make it nearly enough anymore. Other than knowing kefir is some sort of milk product, I am not familiar with it at all. Such fun learning, isn't it? The bread looks wonderful!

  2. Oh, your bread looks and sounds terrific! You know, World Bread Day is coming up soon. Perhaps you'll join in on the fun.Paz

  3. Sophie… pain fait cuire parfait!This looks like the perfect bread for a BLT (bacon lettuce tomato) sandwich. The rustic crusty bread would only accent the flavors.Oh, how I wish you had a bakery here, I'd have your bread fresh daily.

  4. It's getting to the time of year, isn't it? Yours looks so delectabvle – just want to tear a piece of it warm and chow down! Fresh bread is one of the prettiest things in the world, isn't it?

  5. BEAUTIFUL bread! There is nothing better than the smell of freshly baked bread throughout the house. Mmmm I can imagine that with a nice blob of butter- sensational! P.S. Have you got your package yet!!!

  6. It's been a while since I made my own bread. Thanks for reminding me how wonderful it can be. Looks great!

  7. I never thought to use kefir to make bread, but that's a very good idea. I have in the past used whey from making yogurts and kefir to bake breads. I think it makes the bread moist and the crust crispy!

  8. Your bread look fantastic. I have yet to get a result on home made bread that I like. But I found out from trying that if we coat a bit of olive oil on top of the dough, it will give a nice crunchy crust. Perhaps it is the way I knead – not enough.

  9. Well done Sophie! Your bread looks just great, I have to make mine in a breadmaker these days as I haven't got the strength in my wrists for kneading, but doesn't it make the house smell divine!!

  10. Is dit je eerste brood????!!! Goed gedaan, zeg!! Je maakt mij onzettend jaloers dat je kefir kan kopen in Belgie…. in Nederland is niet te koop. Groetjes, Gabriella

  11. I applaud you for baking your own bread. Awesome! I have not ventured that far yet 🙂 Your bread looks really good.

  12. Hey there Sophie! Your first bread looks fantastic. I've made bread, but since moving to Europe I've made it a habit to try different bakeries so haven't made any at home in a while. You remind me though that fresh baked bread out of your own oven can't be beat. Can't wait to see what other bread recipes you will be sharing with us!

  13. I am not a big breadbaker, but I do love making my own… I have only done it twice sofar, but this looks like a lovely bread to try!

  14. This looks good enough to turn me into a baker, which I'm not. Just give me some good butter to go with this and it would be all I would need for dinner tonight.Sam

  15. Never heard before that kefir is used in bread making. Sıo interesting! Your bread looks yummy! I can feel its smell.

  16. MMMMMM.. the house must have smelled so delicious while this was baking. It looks truly lovely, Sophie!

  17. I love to bake my own bread! Such a rustic looking delicious loaf. I love kefir as well!

  18. Your bread looks wonderful. I need to make some soon. Thanks for the info on kefir too.

  19. That bread looks amazing especially done with kefir which is something I have too. I love the yoghurt from it. really nice for smoothies too and lactose intolerant can consume it even though is made from milk. well done nice share. kisses xxxx

  20. Sophie, I'll definitely try this one, I always have kefir in the morning as part of my breakfast, and I love bread…will let you know 😉

  21. I love home made breads and love making them. This is one great looking loaf. So well risen! I have to bake this:) Thank you for sharing.

  22. That is an absolutely delicious looking bread. Wow….I would love to make my own bread. I can imagine how great that must taste!

  23. Hi Sophie!Hope all has been wonderful with you. 🙂 That loaf of bread looks so fresh and delicious! I am so afraid to work with yeast anymore after the last time I made bread. It came out like a rock…and almost broke the tile floor when I dropped it. Lol!xoxoMichelle 🙂

  24. Sophie your first bread looks terrific! You did a wonderful job with it. I love bread with a good crust on it!

  25. Very nice bread for a first time! I remember making my own bread for the first time not too long ago. I was so glad & excited especially during the proofing part. You did a wonderful job & I'm sure you'll be making a lot more bread from now on.

  26. You are fearless, baking your own bread like that … and thks for the lesson on kefir .. I'd never heard of it!

  27. Looks really great and I'm sure it was tasty. I love the smell of freshly baked bread … now how about a slice of it, yeah!

  28. Your loaf of bread is beautiful. I'm learning the ways of bread baking and love the aroma of a baking loaf. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope to see you again soon.

  29. Congrats on your first bread, Sophie :)I've always wanted to bake my own bread too, but I always get intimidated by the whole process..

  30. Lovely first bread, I adore making my own bread. There is nothing like hot crusty bread right out of your own oven!

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